I am Done!!!

December 11, 2007 · Posted in Updates · Comment 

At least I’m done for a month or so.  It is amazing how stressful the last few weeks of school are.  How wonderful it is to have a few weeks off to recuperate, and have the desire to go at it again.  This spring semester will be my last semester of coursework, unless next fall a course is offered that I’d be a fool to miss, however I don’t anticipate that.  A year from now I should be finished with the masters program.  I don’t anticipate getting a PhD anytime soon.  I need time with my family.  If the time comes when I feel that I really need a more advanced degree I’ll pursue it, but I don’t have that feeling now.

Winter break is a wondrous thing!

Bread is Good

October 6, 2007 · Posted in Cooking, Updates · 1 Comment 

Laurie bought a bread maker at a yard sale last Saturday. It is an older model, but seems to work great. I’ve made three loaves already, a wheat bread and a white bread. Actually I didn’t make the bread, I just put the ingredients in the machine, and 4 hours later a fresh loaf of bread was waiting for us.

We have a wheat grinder as well. It is such a wonderful feeling being able to take something from it’s original state and make bread, or cookies, or whatever out of it. Too often we get used to going to the store and buying whatever we want that we forget what went into making it. I feel that it is important that we at least understand where our food comes from. It is even better when the food comes from our own labor. When it starts in our garden and ends on the table we have so much more appreciation for it. I believe that we enjoy our food much more when we grow it ourselves, or at least make it ourselves. There hasn’t been one piece of wasted bread when I made it. The store bought loaves usually get thrown out half way through from becoming stale or moldy. The vegetables from the garden haven’t gone to waste as store bought ones often do. They get eaten and enjoyed. Having a garden really is a great blessing. We know what we’ve grown, how it’s been grown, what chemicals (none) have been applied to them, and most important of all, they are harvested when they are ripe, and prepared or eaten fresh. That provides the best nutrition for our growing family.

Caught Up

September 26, 2007 · Posted in Updates · Comment 

I got caught up last night. I was running about 1 week behind with all my work, but I got everything caught up. I still have plenty of things to do, research for two papers, research for my masters thesis, and everything around the house. I haven’t cut the grass in the front yard for at least two weeks. In fact its been so long I don’t remember when it was. But the heavy load I had of not getting things done on time is gone. It is a wonderful feeling. Now I need to focus on keeping up with all the work so that I don’t fall behind again.

Crazy Life

September 19, 2007 · Posted in Updates · Comment 

I cannot believe how crazy life gets. With family, church, work, school, and a garden I have very little spare time. I must enjoy no sleep if I am really going to start a blog, right now. Perhaps I’ll use it as my garden journal. I do not know what I’ll write, or when I will have time to do so. It will be an adventure.

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