September 7, 2010 · Posted in Updates · Comment 

Education would be so much more effective if its purpose were to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they don’t know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it.

Sir William Haley,  British newspaper editor and broadcasting administrator

SRP Update

June 5, 2010 · Posted in Updates · 3 Comments 

Apparently SRP hasn’t fixed the bug in their software.  I owe $20,888.60 this month. I think it’s funny 🙂  One day they’ll figure it out.  It appears to have something to do with them not being able to handle negative numbers.  When the solar panels produce more electricity than we use their computer gets all screwed up.

Whats Up SRP?

May 5, 2010 · Posted in Updates · 2 Comments 

So I went online to see how much my power bill will be this month.  The bill hasn’t come but they post it online before sending it.  When I logged in to their website this is what I saw:


Notice the bill for $7,185.38? I knew they raised electricity rates, but I didn’t think it was that much! The funny part is they allow me to see my daily usage, and I produced 20 kilowatt hours more than I used.  I bought 51 kwh of on peak power and they’re paying me for 71 hours of off peak power.  The actual bill should be in the neighborhood of $15.  I think there’s a bug in their software … or someone forgot to move the decimal when they multiplied.

(I sure am glad that I’m on the time of use plan.  It saved me $5,362.53. I’m glad my bill wasn’t the full $12,547.91)  Hope they fix that before my bill comes, or the AZ Republic will have a fun story on their front page.

“Local family pays $140.88 per KWH while everyone else pays $0.10 per KWH”

If only they would pay me $140.88 for the electricity I produce…

Poor little pupfish

April 27, 2010 · Posted in Updates · Comment 

This is video from USGS of the Devils Hole pupfish pond in Death Valley during the 7.2 Baja earthquake.  This pond is about 300 miles away from the epicenter.


Another reason to Follow the Prophet

April 27, 2010 · Posted in Updates · 1 Comment 


I love the quote at the end: “I would argue a lot of PG-13 movies should be rated R.”

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