Free Educational Materials

July 11, 2008 · Posted in Engineering, Tools · 1 Comment 

I don’t usually mention specific websites, at least not here.  I stumbled on an awesome website a few minutes ago.

It is targeted to be an aid for ‘tonights homework.’  I think it is pretty cool, maybe that is just the nerd in me.  Whenever I find a repository of so much information, neat information that is worth learning about, I get very excited.  I think this may become one of my favorite websites.  Check it out.

P.S.  I really enjoy the engineering section.

Water-Wise Gardening

July 10, 2008 · Posted in Garden · Comment 

I receive an email full of advertisements from Wayside Gardens just about every day.  Usually it only has plants for sale, but today it had some tips on water conservation in the garden that I thought were very insightful.  It is mostly common sense, but I learned something new from  it, so maybe it will be useful to others as well.

  • Water in the morning so roots have time to take up moisture before it evaporates during the heat of the day.
  • Install drip irrigation or soaker hoses to put water right at plants’ roots and prevent runoff.
  • Frequently check irrigation systems, sprinkler heads, etc for leaks.
  • Water deeply but infrequently, causing roots to reach down into the soil for moisture and strengthen growth.
  • Use an organic mulch to keep roots moist and cool.
  • Reuse household water as much as possible (e.g. water from rinsing and cooking pasta and vegetables, cleaning aquariums, and emptying coolers, vases, etc).
  • Put up a rain gauge to help manage your water needs.
  • Clean decks, patios, sidewalks, etc with a broom instead of a hose.

Thank You

July 8, 2008 · Posted in Family, Love · 1 Comment 


Thank you for being a “Mother who Knows.”  I know that you are a wonderful example to our daughters of how they should raise their children.  I love that they come first, even if it means your desires are pushed aside.  Thank you for raising our children to receive their noble birthright. I know that as they grow they will look to you for guidance and will follow your counsel.  Thank you for teaching them to be more independent and more obedient.

I love you, and will always be here for you. No matter what!  I love you.