As an avid organic gardener I love homemade compost. I put everything I can into my compost bin. I haven’t made the leap to worm composting yet, but that is my next step. I came across a website with some great information on organic gardening and composting. Seattle Tilth is a non-profit organization which teaches people about organic gardening. They have information on composting and keeping chickens (wink wink Laurie). They even have some plans for constructing your own composting bins using off the shelf items. This proves much cheaper than the $200 for a manufactured worm bin or compost bin. I got our compost bin from the cities solid waste department for a $5 deposit. It is a large garbage bin with the bottom chopped off. This is great for all the yard waste we produce, but it is way too big for kitchen waste. Perhaps my next garden project will involve building a worm bin. It would be a great addition to our quasi-organic lifestyle, and the kids would love it. They won’t touch the dirty worms, but they love seeing them.
2 Responses to “Composting”
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I don’t see our lifestyle as organic, but whatever. I guess it KIND of is. (That’s a BIG kind of.)
You can have chickens when you get me a sheep. And promise to take care of it, of course. 🙂
I really think you need to visit Seattle Tilth…you know take some classes and stuff. 🙂