Gas Prices

June 17, 2008 · Posted in Updates 

I can’t believe how high gas is. Here we are paying about $4.15 for a gallon. Ridiculous! Anyway, if history is any indication of the future there may be some respite. Laurie and I always keep track of our fuel economy, a habit I started about 4 years ago. So over the past 4 years the fuel prices seem to peak around June and then drop off. Sometimes they have come back up, but that is because of some local supply problems, i.e. in 2005 the second jump in prices was due to a fuel pipeline being shut down. Anyway I thought I’d share our price graph, it might not be as ‘accurate’ as professional statisticians like, but it is very accurate in that this is the price we have paid for fuel. The areas with a lot of squiggles in one place are times we have gone on vacation and paid different prices during a short period of time.

Price/Gallon of Gasoline

P.S. You can click on the graph to see it larger.


3 Responses to “Gas Prices”

  1. Laurie on June 17th, 2008 3:44 pm

    That’s still a pretty big spike at the end!! I don’t think it’ll go all the way back down below 3!! The gas companies are making too much money!

  2. Tina on June 17th, 2008 4:55 pm

    Wow! Very impressive! If it makes you feel better, we are paying $4.35. I actually saw a sign with $4.49 today. Crazy!

  3. Laurie on July 3rd, 2008 3:36 pm

    Hey, I tagged you on my blog. DO IT!!! (Please!)

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