Family History
I really enjoy doing family history. I enjoy the research immensely, although it is frustrating when I can’t provide a solid link between two people, although I feel there is one. I know that sometimes I have to rely on circumstantial evidence and the Spirit to provide links, but there have been a few people who I have found 2 separate individuals with the same name, born about the same time, that is frustrating. Even more so when there are divorces and re-marriages and more divorces. I have been searching for the father of my Great Grandfather, and his parents. His name is Albert Mosure, I think. Albert’s wife was Bertha Behymer, they had at least 3 children. My great grandfather is John Garland Mosure. I found a death certificate for one Albert Mosure in Missouri, the informant for the death was Garland Mosure. I am pretty sure he went by John, but maybe that wasn’t always true. (Dad, did we live in Cedar City or Tucson when he died? the Social Security Index shows it as 1989, you as 1986) The death certificate also listed Albert as the divorced husband of one person, the census record 5 years previous shows him married to someone else with a house full of kids, and neither one is Bertha. This may be one mystery that the Spirit will have to unravel, because I am having a hard time with the circumstantial evidence. The birth locations on the Census records that I have found don’t always match either. I guess memory isn’t as good as it should be? As my neighbor told me I’ll find out about that memory loss thing as I get older.
I just wish I could have asked John Garland about this before he passed away (then again I was 9 and not into family history). Maybe someone did, if they did, or you did, please let me know.