Background Photos

April 30, 2008 · Posted in Photography, Updates · 1 Comment 

For some reason I am always wanting to take good photos for my background on my computer.  I have taken quite a few of these pictures, and thought I’d post a few.



Slope Stability Paper

April 26, 2008 · Posted in Updates · 4 Comments 


So apparently I don’t publish posts often enough, so here is a new post. I have been quite busy lately. Here a link to the paper I’ve spent 16 of the last 24 hours working on. If you feel inclined to read it do, and if you proof read it, I would appreciate the help (it is due on Tuesday; any corrections after that will just make me frustrated). After 16 hours I’m not to into reading it again. I’d just hand it in as is at this point, spelling mistakes, grammar errors and all. I have two more homework assignments to finish by Tuesday and a take-home final to do by Thurday. So it will probably be a while before I check in again, except to read comments about the errors on my paper.
