Funny Little Bird

May 1, 2008 · Posted in Funny, Photography 

At about 9:30 this morning I pulled up to an old, abandoned trailer park to do some work. My task was to perform a test that determines how fast water will infiltrate into the soil. This test usually takes about an hour or so. I usually have to wait about 10 to 15 minutes between readings. Since there was a nice cool breeze I decided to roll down my windows and get some paperwork taken care of. All of a sudden a small bird flew into my truck. It startled me. The little thing must have hatched this year. The poor little thing got stuck between the windshield and the dash board. It was terrified of me, and only wanted to get away, but it couldn’t figure out why it couldn’t fly through the glass. It just sat there in the crack between the glass and the dash until I opened my door and got out. Then it flew to the rear window where it got stuck again. I had to open all four doors and pretty much shew it out so it would leave. At least it didn’t poop.

Bird in Car 1

Bird in Car 2


One Response to “Funny Little Bird”

  1. Tina on May 1st, 2008 9:05 pm

    That’s hilarious! Great pictures. I loved the ones on the last post, too, btw.

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