Hiking with Kids
Last week while we were in Enterprise Tyler, Mainie and I took the girls hiking. It was an “easy” hike. No hiking is truly easy, at least not around here. But we had quite a good time. Here are the kids hiking in the only spot where they don’t have to hold someone’s hand.
Hannah climbing big rocks with a little help.
This is why you don’t look down. It looks like Hannah is standing on the edge of a cliff.
Victoria didn’t really like the rocks, they were taller than her, so I carried her up all the way. She wouldn’t even get out of my arms without a fight. It was all I could do to get her to stand still for the picture.
Here they are posing under the big tree at the top.
The Reward.
Funny Kids
On July 4th we went to Laurie’s family reunion early in the morning. After we got back the kids decided they wanted to take a nap…on the kitchen floor.
The next day Victoria went into her room wearing normal clothes. This is how she came out. She must have had some help from her sister.
Thank You
Thank you for being a “Mother who Knows.” I know that you are a wonderful example to our daughters of how they should raise their children. I love that they come first, even if it means your desires are pushed aside. Thank you for raising our children to receive their noble birthright. I know that as they grow they will look to you for guidance and will follow your counsel. Thank you for teaching them to be more independent and more obedient.
I love you, and will always be here for you. No matter what! I love you.
Valentines Day
A Trip to Memory Lane
I had to come to Tucson for MSHA training required for jobs I am doing at a couple of mines next month. I’m in a motel room right now. I lived here for about 4 1/2 years when I was a kid. I went to school here (DeGrazia Elementary) from the middle of 1st grade through 4th grade. I am staying about 4 miles from the Tucson Mall so I decided to go there after the training to unwind a bit, walk around and get some exercise. That place was dead, it was 5pm when I got there and some of the stores were closing. I think I saw more people working there than customers. Anyway it brought back many memories. I don’t remember going to the mall often. I think we went to ZCMI more often than we went to the Tucson Mall. I do remember driving around the parking lot. The river passes just to the north of the mall, and I remember watching people ride their bikes and jog along the river. I remember riding my bike along the river (or maybe it was just walking) when we lived in a town house on Avenida Primera, about a mile away from the mall. I remember watching that river path as we drove down river road from our house on the northwest side of town to the ranch where I rode horses on the east end of town. This trip wasn’t supposed to be a trip down memory lane, but it has been. I should probably leave the past where it is and get back to my homework.